Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Miss Grandpa

Odd, isn't it?  You can be coasting along in life with not a care in the world, and then, all of a sudden, something strikes you that causes your emotions to come unglued.  That happened to me this afternoon.

My dad's dad died 31 years ago today.  What shook me was when I realized he had been gone more years than the number of years I knew.  I don't know why that caused the tears to start, but the whole thought was overwhelming.

Grandpa and I were of the same temperament. We bonded on several levels. I wish my children and grandchildren could have known him. He spoke often of the Bible.  He talked about farm life.  His diary was daily listings of weather conditions. I never met anyone else like him. I wish I could have known him longer and better.  Heaven will be sweet.

Twitter @john316marshall
Facebook  john316marshall

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Capistrano and Second

Every year the swallows return to Capistrano, the geese come back to Springfield, and just as regularly and importantly, though less known, the missionaries return to Second.  We had 170 of us here for lunch today.

For many, it's old home week.  Reunions are sweet.  It's good to catch up on what's happening in each other's lives.

For others, it's get acquainted time.  We have about 25 here from our church plant in Chicago to observe how we do GIC. Jesus bridges the gap between big cities and little cities.  In fact, He breaks down all barriers.

For all, it's hallelujah weekend.  The Lord always shows up at GIC.  Miracles happen, lives are changed, Jesus is honored.  This is what we are about at Second.

I'll see you in the morning for worship.  Tomorrow night at 5 pm, and Wednesday night at 6 pm, we will feature missionary stories and testimonies.  Pray for the Lord to protect our time together.

Twitter @john316marshall
Facebook  john316marshall

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Cliches

I have several hackneyed phrases I have used to the point of monotony. Here are a few.

One, "Huzzah". It's a term from the Revolutionary War period that I like.

Two, every time I get a headache, I say, "I never get a headache". I guess headaches erase my memory.

Three, "May all your grandchildren be twins". I use it as a phrase of blessing. I like the way it makes people think.

Four, Ruth's least favorite of my redundancies, "I don't have anything smart to say about that." Actually, I truly don't have anything smart to say about that.

Twitter @john316marshall

Friday, February 18, 2011

3 Funerals

Ruth and I had three funerals this week. They were in different towns and for different ages, but had one vital trait in common. The three who passed were believers.

I thank God for the promise of the resurrection. Heaven is sweeter today than it was a week ago. Three more ties riveting us to earth have been cut.

We believers grieve at the death of a beloved Christian, but we do not weep as if we have no hope. We have a risen Lord who will raise us up.

Ruth and I count it an honor to be ones who are called to minister to people in their bereavement. It is a privilege to be an under-shepherd of the Great Shepherd.

Twitter @john316marshall

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Talking Eating Mouth

My weight was up this morning. No surprise. I ate like a horse last night at El Rodeo in Bolivar. I re-learned something about myself I need to remember. I love to talk while conversing.

No, I don't talk with my mouth full, but there's lots of time to talk between bites. Let's face it. My mouth likes to multitask. Talk, eat, talk, eat, etc.

Wonderful food and two excellent conversationalists didn't help my self-control. I had beautiful Ruth to my left and gifted Joshua Hedger across the table. The talk and cuisine were a perfect combo. I had a wonderful time. Until I stepped on the scales this morning.

Twitter @john316marshall

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jury Duty

Kerry Powell, one of our custodians, did jury duty this week.  Like many Christians, he was a bit reticent about sitting in judgment of others, but chose to do his civic duty. I'm proud of him.

Dee Wampler, a defense attorney, thanked me years ago for showing up for jury duty.  He told me the right to a trial by a jury was the best protection of our liberties.  He said even cases which never get to a jury are affected by the safeguard that a jury might be called.

When you are asked to serve on a jury, do so.  Our liberties depend on it.  Way to go, Kerry.

Twitter @john316marshall
Facebook  john316marshall

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

San Francisco

I spoke with Ben Pilgreen a few minutes ago. The clock is ticking down to the launch of Second's next church plant, Epic Church, in San Francisco.

Ben is asking people to pray. I'm doing so. I trust all of you are too. A thousand details have to be handled in the next five days. Pray for wisdom and stamina for our dear brothers and sisters in San Francisco.

It's been three years since Ben, Shauna, and the boys came into our lives. They blessed us, including me, richly. Now let's bless them through the ministry of intercessory prayer.

Twitter @john316marshall

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Pastors

I called John David Edie this morning to verify details about the launch of The Pursuit Church tomorrow. When he answered the phone, I called him "Pastor" for the first time.

John David is no longer our Minister of Missions. Brad Bennett is no longer our Minister of Outreach. They have stepped into the New Testament's designated title for the leaders of local churches.

The Pursuit will launch at 10:45 in the morning at New Covenant Academy. Coffee and refreshments will be served at 9:30. Congratulations, Pastors Edie and Bennett. We are proud of you.

Twitter @john316marshall

Friday, February 4, 2011

2 churches in 8 days

Second Baptist will launch two new churches, 1700 miles apart, on the next two Sundays. Do not for one second believe the Super Bowl is the most important event happening this Sunday February 6. The Pursuit, Second's new church plant here in Springfield MO, is the really big news. Pray for our former staff members, John David Edie and Brad Bennett, as they begin this new work.

On February 13, our former Teaching Pastor, Ben Pilgreen, will launch Epic Church in San Francisco. About 6 families uprooted themselves and moved to the West Coast to make this happen. Pray for God's favor to be on them.

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ill-timed Weather Joke

No one in Springfield is happier we received less than 12 inches of snow than I am. In what I thought would be a harmless bit of levity, Sunday morning I jokingly said we should pray for 12 inches of snow because our missionary family visiting with us from Nicaragua had never seen snow. We don't have to worry about that any more. They have been quickly initiated into the world of snowy wonder.

It seems Springfield will end up with maybe 8 inches of snow. Everyone else is sad, but I am relieved. No resignation letter from me will be needed. I am grateful for the 4 inches of snow that did not arrive here. In the future I promise I will be less likely to make jokes about the weather. My life is a hoot, an event always waiting to happen.