Friday, June 19, 2009


I’m at the office taking care of last minute details before the convention. I sense in my spirit a readiness to go. Your prayers are making a difference. Thanks.

I learned the verb form of Twitter is tweeting. Thus, the verb form of facebook is facebeeking, and if you google more than once, you are geegling. Oh well. A great thing about being 57 is, no one expects me to know these things anyway.

Helped watch Lilly Ruth (age 2 soon) while Ian practiced T-ball. She was bent on walking atop a row of railroad ties by the play area. She would fall, stumble, and lose her balance, but with bulldog determination she refused to quit trying. By the time we left, she mastered it. Way to go, Lilly Ruth. I liked the grit I saw in her.

Caleb and I tried to convince Jake and Millie to stay on the deck while our lawn was being mowed. No way. Too hot for them. Remind me to install air conditioning for them. Good grief. You should have seen them while Caleb gave them a bath. They hated it. Wow. I never knew cleanliness could be so painful.