Saturday, May 1, 2010

San Fran Epic Church

In less than a month, the Pilgreens will be moving to San Francisco to
start Epic Church. They are not going alone. A total of 22 (13 adults,
8 children) are heeding the call, "Go west, young man, go west."

Ben will be the only full-time staff member. All the others will be bi-
vocational. This transition is not a minor matter. Lives are being
totally uprooted to birth Epic Church.

One couple has divested themselves of almost all their earthly
possessions. They are moving into a 460-square-foot apartment (step it
off) for $1800 a month. The husband has a job interview coming up soon
out there. Pray for him.

I envy the brave, free thinking spirit of the young. They don't know
enough to know it can't be done. They therefore do it. I think the
naysayers have met their match in this westward bound band. A part of
my heart is going with them.

Twitter @john316marshall