I've been preaching 43 years. That's quite a bit longer than the ages of the six guys I met with this morning to discuss the sermons I will preach in all three morning worship services January, 2, 9, and 16. I was 20 years old before any of them were born.
What is going on here? Well, I'm determined to stay in the learner mode. I want to communicate well with this younger generation when I preach. I felt I needed help on my 11:00 delivery and content, and decided these were the guys who could help me most.
I think I was a good listener this morning. I received several helpful insights. The guys and I will be getting together a few more times before I take to the pulpit in 2011. Pray for us. Pray we will be a blessing to each other. I'll keep you posted.
Humor helps. A 3-year-old prayed, "Our Father, who does art in heaven, Harold is His name." A 4-year-old prayed, "Forgive us our trash baskets as forgive those who put trash in our baskets."
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