Saturday, June 1, 2013

Heimlich Maneuver

Today in 1974 the Heimlich Maneuver for saving choking victims was first publicized. It has saved countless thousands of lives. I have two favorite stories about it.

The first story involved an elderly woman and her husband at the Emergency Room. She had some broken ribs. The husband had earlier been choking to death, and the wife did not know what to do. In desperation, he grabbed her, turned her around, and did the maneuver on her to show her what to do to him. It worked for him. She ended up in ER.

The second story involved John Chancellor when he was the NBC News anchorman. One night he announced his life had been saved at noon by someone doing the Heimlich Maneuver on him. He was extremely grateful. If I remember right, the hero was a young NBC reporter named Tom Brokaw. I do love stories.

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