Sunday, November 24, 2013

Galilee's Capital

Sepphoris, the Roman capital of Galilee when Jesus lived, was located not far from Nazareth. The Roman Roads and Mosaics there are stunning. It was obviously a huge world of activity and life. It holds special interest to Christians because it was a beehive of construction during New Testament days. Many carpenters came from miles around to find work there.

One of the most popular spots in Israel is the Jesus Boat Museum. It houses a boat that dates from the first century A.D. It looks exactly like what we think of when we ponder Jesus in a boat with the Twelve. At the Chapel of the Beatitudes I led a devotional based on the Beatitudes. Stopped briefly at the Chapel for Peter's Restoration, where Jesus supposedly told him to "Feed My sheep."

We stopped at the spot where Jesus is said to have healed the demoniac and sent 3000 pigs into the Sea of Galilee. We then ate lunch at a restaurant where you can order St. Peter's Fish with or without a head. It's intimidating to eat a fish that's looking back at you. We rode a boat across the Sea. It's always moving to traverse the body of water Jesus and Peter walked on.

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