Sunday, November 16, 2014

God Desires Our Salvation

God is always more willing to save us than we are to be saved. No unbeliever has ever had to wait for Jesus. Long before we come to Him, He comes to us. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, it is the Father who ran.

God’s enthusiasm for us is boundless. If we can eke out only a spark of interest in Jesus, He has a blazing furnace of interest in us. “The gate of salvation is flung wide open. The door is taken off the hinges” (Spurgeon).

         Some taunt God, saying they plan to come someday, but not right now. Whoa! Is Jesus to wait for our convenience? Is He our lackey, a servant having to wait for our pleasure and timing? Do we really want an extension of our time to rebel, and more time to risk everlasting perdition?

         People can be obstinate. They do not like God’s terms. They love their sins, and don’t want to give them up. They also love their good works, and want to trust in their own righteousness. This puts them in double jeopardy. Since they will not yield to God’s governance and grace, the deal is off.


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