Friday, March 6, 2015

Reading. Predestination. Free will.

With the winter storms we're having, I have been catching up on my reading. I never get fully caught up--a stack of books is always by my bed.

I love to read. I agree with D. L. Moody's philosophy; when bad winter weather takes over, curl up with a good book.

Recently I read a sermon by Spurgeon on Predestination and Free Will. Yes, he preached both in the same sermon. He did that often. He thundered on the one doctrine as if the other did not exist, and then reversed the tables, highlighting the hitherto neglected doctrine as if the first doctrine did not exist. His approach has fascinated me since I was a young preacher.

Last week, a 17-year-old young man I am discipling asked about Predestination. Wow. Do I have a treat for him. I have xeroxed Spurgeon's sermon for him, and highlighted sentences I found especially helpful. I pray Spurgeon will bless him as much as he has me.

Dr. John 3:16 Marshall, Pastor

Twitter and FB john316marshall