Thursday, August 13, 2015

First Day of School

I pray the Lord will give you and yours a wonderful first day of school. All the pictures on Facebook this morning made me nostalgic. The starting of school is always another huge milestone crossed.

Oddly enough, when our children were little, Ruth and I always hated the first day of school. Yes, hated. We always felt something precious was being ripped away from us. We enjoyed our children, cherished every day with them, and felt school was an intrusion.

Don’t get me wrong. School was wonderful for them. They were both great students who were blessed immeasurably by a host of fantastic teachers.

The issue was not the quality of the education, but the loss of our all-day interaction with them. Having John 2 and Rebekah at home always blessed Ruth and me. My guess is; many parents are feeling today what we felt back then.