Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Epic Church San Francisco

It’s hard to believe it’s already been 5 years since Ben and Shauna Pilgreen started Epic Church in San Francisco. We remember their days with us here at Second with fond regard. Ben sent out this report about their fifth anniversary celebration. I knew you would want to read this.

Dear Partners,

Yesterday we celebrated 5 years as a church and you all had so much to do with what God has done here during that time. A few things to celebrate:

  • 687 people showed up yesterday in downtown San Francisco (84 of these were kids)
  • 116 baptisms since our church began
  • Over 30 small groups are currently meeting this year through Epic
  • Our church has given away over $440,000 to our mission partners these past 5 years...doing for others what you all did for us!
  • And our family is thriving and Shauna have never been at a better place in our 15 years of marriage. 

Please receive my highest thanks for all you and your churches have done to start an influential church in the middle of San Francisco.

Extremely grateful,
