Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 30

By riding on a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Jesus proved He was a King of Peace. Horses were the animal of choice during times of war. Conquerors, for their victory parades, rode into town on white chargers, tall noble intimidating steeds.


Victors brandished spears and swords. Jesus waved a cross. The religious leaders believed they won, and He lost. But!! In Jerusalem, no soldiers at arms met Him, but at the end angels and an army of believers will accompany Him.


In the holy city, there were no trumpet blasts, but at the finale Michael will blow the loudest trumpet ever. In Jerusalem, there were no chariots of state, but in the end clouds will be His chariots, and roll back like a scroll.


This triumphal entry into Jerusalem was but a dress rehearsal for a coming day when Jesus will ride, not on a beast of burden, but as a conqueror on a white horse (RV 19:11). If you've not read the end of the Bible, do so. Jesus wins.