Sunday, December 16, 2012

Second Coming Joy

Christians should be looking forward to a better, happier day than we're experiencing now. We say we believe our Master will someday rule Earth, but I sense lots of despair among God's people now.

Many believers dread the thought of Jesus' second coming. Ruth and I one night went out after church with a young married couple. After a fun time, Ruth and I stood to leave. The other lady grabbed my arm and told me to sit back down. She then poured out her heart about the absolute terror she was constantly living in because of what she was hearing from preachers about the Second Coming. I remember her despair, and I remember my disappointment in preachers. What a shame that we have created a future scenario that scares rather than uplifts believers.

This doctrine is intended to be a source of joy, but we have often made it an Armageddon disaster of such cataclysmic proportions our people are terrorized by it rather than blessed by it. Please let me help us all here. Here are the essential ingredients of what we know for sure. Jesus is bodily coming to earth again someday to rule as King of kings and Lord of lords. All the rest is speculation theology. Possibly true theology, but still speculative.

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