Monday, December 30, 2013


G. K. Chesterton was a colossal figure in our Christian history. Among other things, his book "The Everlasting Man" was the determinative factor in C. S. Lewis' conversion. Like Lewis, Chesterton had to come a long way spiritually to overcome his disbelief in Christ.

The beauty of our Christian story, especially the Bethlehem event, wowed Chesterton. He went from being a hardened unbeliever to being a sold-out believer due to the sheer beauty of Jesus.

G. K. grew up in an irreligious home. Raised by unbelieving parents, he was brought up on fairy tales, myths, and legends. His formative years were filled with wonder. His unbelief never offered him an adequate explanation for the world's marvels. To Chesterton, the whole creation was magic. When he met Jesus, Chesterton said he met the Magician.

G. K. always felt something personal was in the world, like a work of intentional artistry. For instance, he all along believed lovely red roses had to have been planned. When he met Jesus, Chesterton said he met the Artist.

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