Friday, January 3, 2014

More Good News from the Bells

We continue to receive encouraging reports from our unreached people group, the Bells of the Big Country. Here are a few more highlights to share with you.

Churches of the majority group in the Big Country are beginning to become involved in mission efforts. This is huge. Prayer teams are expanding around the globe for our group. We see signs among Bell believers of an increasing desire to reach other Bells.

Christian music is beginning to be written in the Bell language. This is a huge game-changer. Singing is a vital part of our faith. We are seeing Bell believers marrying each other rather than unbelievers. This will over the years give stable families to the work.

Transportation among the Bells has greatly improved. They are now easier to get to. Some Bell believers have now been in the faith long enough to show increased spiritual maturity. There is even one Bell believer in a seminary. Amen. Maybe he or she will be able to come to Second some day, and give us a report in person.

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