Friday, January 31, 2014

Oprah Turned 60

I welcome Oprah to the seventh decade of life. The 60s bring unique twists and turns to life. There are a few things I would like to tell Oprah.

One, it will take her twice as long to remember things. Names and words she needs to recall will still be retrievable, but they will take longer to verbalize. Before 60, our minds are like a steel trap, remembering everything. After 60, our minds are still steel traps, but the hinges become rusty, slower to open.

Two, her recollection of past events will experience a time warp. After 60, when asked how long it has been since something happened, you should make a guess, and then, if you want to be accurate, multiply your guess by two. Time is moving much faster than it used to.

Three, our seventh decade is supposed to be our most productive. Let's make it count. I hope to give my 60s to serving Jesus with all my might. Happy birthday, Oprah.

Twitter and FB john316marshall

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Should I Join A Church?

People often ask, "Should I be expected to join a local church?" Yes. Only in the USA is this question ever raised. Elsewhere, believing in Jesus means belonging to a local church.

Lone-ranger Christians are rare in other countries. America's rampant individualism can cause believers to not admit believing includes belonging. 

Believers best grow in Christ through relationships with other Christians (I TH 5:11). As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need each other, to be connected.

We're a family, and families define themselves in households, small organic units. The local church gives us a place to express this unity.

Twitter and FB john316marshall

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Nicaragua 2014

Twitter @john316marshall I write this, my plane is drawing closer to Springfield MO. It will be good to see Ruth and others.

I have been in Nicaragua leading a Pastors School for 75 ministers. For many of them, this is the only Pastoral training they have ever received.

Another interesting sidelight was the two noon meals we served them. For several, these were the finest meals they had ever eaten in their whole lives.

John Edie and I led the sessions. Alvaro Alvarez translated. Alongside Ministries is doing a great work.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Becoming a Member at Second

How can you become a member of Second? To join, you must be a Christ-Follower. A local church consists of believers having a personal relationship with Jesus. Every person needs a Savior. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom.3:23). No one can live up to the standard set by a holy God. Our sin creates a separation from God that can lead to eternal separation. If you have not invited Jesus into your life to forgive you, we pray you will do so soon.

A Christ-Follower can become a member of Second in one of two ways.  One, by baptism.  If you believe in Jesus, we will receive you as a candidate for baptism by immersion in water. Two, by transfer. If you were immersed after conversion as a symbol of salvation, we will accept you as a member on transfer of your membership. If a letter of certification from a former church can be secured, our office will arrange this transfer. If no certifying letter is available, you may join Second based on your statement that you were immersed in water after conversion.

To become a member of Second, you would come forward in a Sunday worship service during the invitation hymn and share with a minister your decision to join Second.  They will help you firm up your decision and answer questions.


Twitter and FB john316marshall

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Membership Expectations at Second

We want you to know what is expected of members at Second,. We expect you to love God (Matt. 22:37), evidenced by a godly life. Holiness matters most. We expect you to love each other, to not be ashamed to be identified with Second. We are to be a local, loving spiritual family.

We expect you to seek to make friends in a small group in our fellowship (Acts 16:13). People are not looking for a friendly church; they are looking for friends. In small groups in local churches, this desire can be met.

We expect you to do ministry projects and mission trips, to personally put your hand to the plow. We are not afforded the luxury of living vicariously through our church and others. We can't feel good about missions and ministry because we are members of a missions and ministry minded church. Your involvement is the goal.

We expect you to use your spiritual gifts and talents for our fellowship (RM 12:6), to attend worship services faithfully (HB 10:25), to give your finances joyfully and regularly (2 Cor. 9:7), to pray our church will grow (I Thess. 3:12), to invite the unchurched to attend (Acts 10:24), to welcome warmly those who visit us (Heb. 13:1-2), and to honor our church leaders by praying for them and following them as long as they follow the Holy Spirit and the Bible (HB 13:7,17).

Twitter and FB john316marshall

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I've not embroiled myself in the recent Calvin/Arminius debate happening in our denomination. This is about the third time I have faced this issue in my 45 years of ministry.  It rises, captures fascination, and then recedes. I don't know if that will happen again this time. I am a Pastor, not a theologian or a predictor of the future. While studying for a sermon on the Parable of the Wedding Banquet in Matthew 22 I ran across this quote from Spurgeon. It helped me.

"As the case stood in the parable, a certain number of men had been bidden. It seems to be the theory of some theologians, that none ought to have been bidden but those who were sure to come. They hold, as we rejoice to hold, that there is an election of grace. In holding the doctrines of grace with a firm grasp they do well, but they err when they teach that the invitation is to be restricted to the chaser, for here it is as clear as daylight, that the first invitation was given to those who never were in the election of grace at all. They which were bidden proved to be "not worthy," and yet they were bidden, over and over again, honestly and in good faith. The king said they were bidden, and this means that God himself willed that the rejecters of His grace should be invited. His servants did not do wrong in bidding them, for the king bade them do so. It has been said, "It is useless to bid sinners come to Christ who are dead and will not come." It is useless as far as you can see – useless as to the bringing of them in, but we do not know all God's ends and designs, and some things, in which we see no use, may nevertheless be needful to His purpose."


Twitter and FB john316marshall

Monday, January 6, 2014

Coldest Ever?

Dr. John 3:16 Marshall, Pastor
Second Baptist Church
3111 E. Battlefield Road
Springfield MO 65804
417-887-3111 x110

Twitter @john316marshall, this is not the coldest I have ever been. That happened on a Sunday morning when I was Pastor at FBC St. John 30 years ago.

The temp was -19°; wind chill -57°. As I walked from the parking lot, I licked my lips. They froze together, and did not come apart till after I walked in the building.

We cancelled services that evening because the heating system could not keep up. The temp inside the building kept dropping an average of one degree per hour.

Friday, January 3, 2014

More Good News from the Bells

We continue to receive encouraging reports from our unreached people group, the Bells of the Big Country. Here are a few more highlights to share with you.

Churches of the majority group in the Big Country are beginning to become involved in mission efforts. This is huge. Prayer teams are expanding around the globe for our group. We see signs among Bell believers of an increasing desire to reach other Bells.

Christian music is beginning to be written in the Bell language. This is a huge game-changer. Singing is a vital part of our faith. We are seeing Bell believers marrying each other rather than unbelievers. This will over the years give stable families to the work.

Transportation among the Bells has greatly improved. They are now easier to get to. Some Bell believers have now been in the faith long enough to show increased spiritual maturity. There is even one Bell believer in a seminary. Amen. Maybe he or she will be able to come to Second some day, and give us a report in person.

Twitter and FB john316marshall