Friday, January 31, 2014

Oprah Turned 60

I welcome Oprah to the seventh decade of life. The 60s bring unique twists and turns to life. There are a few things I would like to tell Oprah.

One, it will take her twice as long to remember things. Names and words she needs to recall will still be retrievable, but they will take longer to verbalize. Before 60, our minds are like a steel trap, remembering everything. After 60, our minds are still steel traps, but the hinges become rusty, slower to open.

Two, her recollection of past events will experience a time warp. After 60, when asked how long it has been since something happened, you should make a guess, and then, if you want to be accurate, multiply your guess by two. Time is moving much faster than it used to.

Three, our seventh decade is supposed to be our most productive. Let's make it count. I hope to give my 60s to serving Jesus with all my might. Happy birthday, Oprah.

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