Saturday, March 22, 2014

A 7-Vowel Word

In school I was taught the vowels are A E I O U, and sometimes W Y. I am surprised at the large number of people who do not know about the latter two.

W and Y serve intermittently as consonants and vowels. For instance, in the word "wow" W starts as a consonant, and ends as a vowel in a diphthong. In the word "yearly" Y starts as a consonant, and ends as a vowel. (Remember, every syllable has a vowel in it.)

Here's my quandary. I know of words that contain 6 of the 7 vowels--for instance "nefariously" and "precariously". But I cannot think of a word that includes W as a 7th vowel. Any help out there?

Twitter & FB john316marshall