Tuesday, May 13, 2014

First Mothers' Examples

Steve Whisler compiled this list from my Mothers Day sermon on how first mothers influenced their President-sons religiously. Enjoy.

1.   Let your children see you doing your private time with God.
2.   Let your children hear you praying for them individually by name.
3.   Teach your children to be kind to everyone.
4.   Teach your children to love the Bible.
5.   Redeem meal times (God is present).
6.   Pass on the heritage of righteousness. Rehearse the stories of how and when family members came to faith.
7.   Relationships, not rules, are the most important part of serving God.
8.   Take your children to church.
9.   Let your children see you doing the Lord's work.
10.Teach your children God exists and can be trusted.

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