Friday, August 29, 2014

Update on our Unreached People Group

For 17 years we at Second have been working among the Bells of the Big Country as our adopted Unreached People Group. I have been discouraged of late due to the slow progress being made. I decided to write my friend who works tirelessly and ceaselessly for the Bells. Here is his analysis of the situation.

"This morning I've just written to the consultant who is planning to come and help with checking of 1 Kings in November/December. I plan to try and check the Bell drafts of Ecclesiastes and Revelation on time to check them in November. Recently I've spent a month working on the autobiography of a Bell friend.

The progress among the Bells does seem slow, but strangely we feel encouraged nevertheless. Some of the existing believers seem to be setting down roots deep in the Word of God, and it feels like good fruit will certainly follow. The timetable is out of our hands, but in the domain of the Holy Spirit. That's how it feels to us. We await expectantly; while doing what we can to keep on encouraging the Bell friends in the right direction. Recently (in July) Genesis and John were recorded, and these will hopefully soon be produced on DVD (with accompanying illustrations) to pass out to believers who as yet do not know how to read Bell."

Twitter and FB john316marshall