Saturday, July 14, 2012

College Small Group

This Fall Ruth and I hope to host a weekly college small group in our home. We are working with our college minister Daniel Hood to figure out how best to do this.

The obvious question is, why would we try this? Good question. I want to influence the next generation for God. That's one obvious reason. But there's more.

I feel totally isolated from lost people, the ones God is sadly missing at His table. I think I need to be proactive in trying to make a dent in the kingdom of evil.

Here's the plan. We will gather around us a group of believing college students. We will take a few weeks to bond with them and then try to create a safe zone where we can bring unbelievers.

We will ask our group members to bring unbelievers with them to our house once we feel we can all trust one another not to "blow it" too bad if a lost person does something we might find offensive. Pray for this experiment. Maybe you would like to do something similar. I'll keep you posted.

Twitter & FB john316marshall