Friday, October 2, 2015

Chad Mathes, Greg Gaumer, Seth Shelton

Here is a thumbnail sketch of the last three of nine church planters I will interview Sunday night before we enjoy our Italian meal together.

Red Tree Church (2012) meets in an elementary school on the west side of Springfield. It is reaching young families far from God through a variety of outside-the-walls activities. They have seen 32 professions of faith in 2015, and 68 since their launch in 2012. They average 75 in 5 different small groups, 140 in worship, and are launching a new church in Wentzville. Pastor Chad Mathes will update us on Sunday night.

Redeemer Church (2012) meets at the Boys and Girls Clubs Henderson Unit located in the Grant Beach area of Springfield. With about 130 in worship attendance, the Lord has led Redeemer to be a church which makes disciples of the entire city while located in the area of greatest need. Pastor Greg Gaumer will be here for the interview Sunday night.

The Way Church is led by Seth Shelton and meets on the south side of Springfield at 903 W. Katella. The church is made up of worshipers that lead others to worship. They are a servant community called to serve others selflessly and missionaries who have been given the honor of proclaiming the gospel message wherever they live, work, or travel.