Friday, January 13, 2012

Pastor Customs

At age 60, and after over 44 years in the ministry, you would think I could have figured out the role of a Pastor. It was heavy on my mind this morning.

What does a Pastor do? Bury the dead, marry the young, carry the sick, and preach the Bible.

What should a Pastor wear? I started out wearing a tie every day. I'm a bit more relaxed now, but still prefer to wear a tie daily, and to preach in a suit.

How should a Pastor's face look? Dad, who has had a perpetual smile on his face for 84 years, says God blessed me by giving me a natural scowl. Dad felt it made me look more serious as a preacher.

Wow! Dad likes my face, and I wish I had his. I think a smile is a gift to all who see it.

Twitter @john316marshall