Sunday, September 21, 2014

God's 6 Darlings

Much of English common law expanded on gentle Old Testament principles that highlighted how God protects the unprotected. He especially champions six groups.

One, widows. They have a special place in God's heart. "Cursed is the one who denies justice to a . . . widow" (DT 27:19a). Two, orphans. Nothing should be done to a parentless child from which a loving father would have sheltered them (EX 22:22-24).

Three, the deaf. "You must not curse the deaf" (LV 19:14a). This one is exceptionally near and dear to me; I have an older deaf sister, Esther. Four, the blind. "Cursed is the one who leads a blind person astray on the road" (DT 27:18a). Never ridicule bodily infirmities.

Five, immigrants. "You must not exploit a foreign resident or oppress him, since you were foreigners in the land of Egypt" (EX 22:21). To YHWH, there can be no strangers. He created all, and His Son died for all. We do need immigration laws, but no Christ-follower should ever speak harshly about immigrants.

Six, the poor. This is an overarching term for all the groups. "The one who oppresses the poor insults their Maker" (PS 14:31a).

Jesus had a gentle goodness we need to imitate. Be particularly tender to any who cannot help themselves.

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