Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weight. No Kidding.

My weight is a topic I like to joke about.  I enjoy the humor it  can spark in a discussion.  I fear my humor sometimes masks how serious the issue is to me, and to millions of others.

After my heart attacks 7.5 years ago, I lost 50 pounds (243 down to 193), and have kept 40-44 pounds off ever since. My weight seemed to settle in at about 200.  I've done well through the years, but lately I feel my resolve weakening.  These days I feel I could eat a doorknob.  I desperately want to eat everything in sight.  My weight is inching up, currently at 205.2, the highest it has been in recent memory.  This is not a laughing matter.  My future, literally, hinges on it.

I have long admitted I have a food addiction.  I say it in funny ways, but it is a serious truth.  I would appreciate your prayers. Only the Lord can solve this juggernaut in my life.

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