Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13

Once Jesus purged the marketplace of its robbers, the den of thieves became a hospital. "The blind and the lame came to Him in the temple complex, and He healed them" (MT 21:14). The sick did not fear Jesus. Having heard what He had done for others who were sick, they felt He would be kind toward them. They were not disappointed. The infirm came, and Jesus healed them.


The blind and lame, ever needing a place to beg alms, understandably gathered in the moneyed part of the temple. They were there when Jesus cleansed the area. Once the noise and din ended, an eerie silence probably dominated the area. A blind man asked his lame friend, "What happened? Where is everyone?" "Jesus drove them off." "Did you say Jesus? My friend who used to beg with me, and comes to see me often, was born blind, and says he was healed by a man named Jesus." "Several of my formerly lame friends say the same about Him."


"Is Jesus still here? Can you see Him?" "Yes." "Can we get to Him?" "If you'll carry me, I'll tell you which way to go." "I'll be your legs; you be my eyes. Let's go. Hurry, before He leaves." One came with legs but no eyes, the other with eyes but no legs. Each left with both.


Jesus made the temple beautiful again. In a stormy moment of restoration, Jesus ended the temple's desecration, and replaced it with consecration. Whenever Jesus comes in power, blessing follows.