Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9

Jesus cleansed the temple twice, once near the beginning of His public ministry (JN 2:14-15), and once near the end (MT 21:12). The mall in the temple was started with good intentions, as a convenience for travelers. On a long trip, bringing money was much easier than transporting an animal.


The selling started out good, but went bad due to greed. Somewhere along the way, the merchants crossed the line from being servants to being robbers.

At the temple, for an animal to be offered, it had to be without blemish.


Corrupt, bribed inspectors made it impossible to offer any animal other than those sold in the temple. They could always find a flaw in any animal. Once sellers had the monopoly, prices soared, and what had begun as a blessing became a curse.


Beware. This sin is easy to slide into. People who make their own personal income from other people's piety, as I do, are ever in danger of succumbing to this evil. There is always money to be had in religious dealings. Desperate people will pay anything for help. Their distress can open the door to unscrupulous charlatans. As your Pastor, I urge you to investigate any agency you give money to.