Thursday, January 21, 2010

Car Rustling

It's been almost a week, but still no sign of John and Amanda's stolen
car. We fear it's gone for good. Sad.

I had no idea our church's money gift to Haiti would elicit the huge
amount of media attention we received. You are the giving-est people I
have ever known.

I received news today that Southern Baptist surveillance teams had
arrived in Haiti. They will be plotting strategy for providing help in
the near future for Haiti.

My weight has stabilized. I had gained eight pounds but have finally
leveled off at five pounds up. Did I just use the words "gained" and
"leveled off" in the same sentence? An oxymoron for sure.

Humor helps. The best thing about diets is, you can always start them
tomorrow (trust me; I know). Did you ever notice that at class
reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks (delusional)?

Twitter @john316marshall