Monday, January 11, 2010

Craig Fields

I'm ministering to a dear friend who is walking resolutely through the
valley of the shadow of death. For about a decade, my number one local
Pastor prayer partner, especially concerning my difficult days, has
been Craig Fields, Pastor at Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church.

He has been a trusted friend, counselor, and advisor. He is battling a
rare lung disease that took his mother's life when she was about the
age Craig is now.

His prognosis is not good, but his faith is unshakable. I am amazed at
the utter yieldedness and surrender and contentment I sense in him.

How can anyone's faith be this strong?Craig is letting the Lord make
him more than a conqueror. He's not just barely winning. He is
marching forward triumphantly.

Please pray for Craig. Pray for healing. Pray for God's will to be done.

Twitter @john316marshall