Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cowboy Church

I loved it!!! I preached tonight at the Cowboy Church west of
Springfield. They sang Mrs Huey's favorite song, "A Beautiful Life".
They sang a song I used to hear in southeast Missouri, "Ain't No Grave
Gonna Hold My Body Down".

There were words on the walls I never saw in church before. "Cow
Pregnancy Chart", "Heifers", "Bulls". The sign that scared me most was
one that read, "Total Weight". I was afraid I might step back onto a
scale and have my weight revealed to the whole world.

They gave me a good honorarium, plus a dozen eggs. Best of all, they
laughed at my jokes, all of them. Once again, I think I maybe should
become a comedian when I retire.

Thanks to Pastor Scotty Killingsworth for inviting me to come. I will
long remember the sweet spirit of his people, and the gentle mooing of
cows in the background of my preaching.

Twitter @john316marshall