Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fathers Day Cometh

Fathers Day cuts a much smaller swath than Mothers Day does. In the
USA, Mom's day reigns supreme. I'm grateful for my mom.

I'm thankful for my dad. He was always busy, usually out doing the
Lord's work. Nightly church visitation was the norm. My earliest
recollections center around my being at home with my mom and sister.

We never questioned Dad's work, or ever felt cheated. We shared his
heart and ministry. Dad was alway the chief spiritual enforcer. If he
sensed anything even the least bit iffy, it met a fast demise. Once
again, I don't ever remember resenting this. I got in trouble all the
time, but again, I just thought that was normal.

When it came time for me to enter the ministry, I had only one role
model. He was more than adequate. Again, I never felt cheated. Dad's
example was enough.

I still have my dad. He's in excellent health at age 83 (in August). I
don't go visit him as much as I should. Now that I do regret.

Twitter @john316marshall