Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Fun of Reading

Tonight I finished reading Timothy Keller's book, "The Reason For
God." It had to be one of the best apologetics ever written in defense
of our faith.

I hated to see the book end. That's one of the ways I know I'm truly
being blessed by a book. I want them to never end.

I even read the acknowledgements and pages of footnotes at the end.
That's another way I gauge how effective I feel a book is. Every
tidbit of info is priceless.

I had to stop every once in a while and think. Thinking is hard work.
When a book makes me do it, I know it is really reaching me at my
deepest levels.

Through the years, I've had hobbies come and go, but one has remained
remarkably consistent: reading.

Twitter @john316marshall