Monday, November 22, 2010

47 years ago today

We who are old enough to remember November 22, 1963, can tell you precisely where we were and what we were doing about 1:00 pm that day.  President Kennedy was assassinated.  I was in the sixth grade.  Our school secretary came into our room and whispered the news to my teacher.  She told us and then said maybe we would want to say a prayer for the President.  It's the only time in all my education that prayer was ever mentioned.  The whole country came to a halt for five days.  It's still an unpleasant memory.

Less dramatic was the death on that same day of the Christian Apologist C. S. Lewis.  His passing was completely lost in the Kennedy story, but as the years have passed, Lewis' star has continued to rise.  Many consider him to be the most brilliant mind ever to espouse the Christian cause.  His books are as popular as ever and continue to be effective defenses of our faith.