Saturday, November 13, 2010

Me and 2200 women

Last night Ruth and I attended Jennifer Rothschild's Fresh Grounded Faith conference at Second. It didn't take long to figure out why it is so popular.

Michael O'Brien started things off with congregational music. Ever heard 2200 women sing? Move over, Heaven.

Jennifer's message was superb. I'd be sweating bullets if Southern Baptists allowed women to be Senior Pastors.

Chick-fil-a sent over some dancing cows. Yep dancing cows. Baptist preachers are skiddish about dancing people, but dancing cows are okay.

Comedian Tim Hawkins did a one hour and fifteen minutes set. Maybe the funniest 75 minutes of my life. I couldn't believe how he was sustaining unbroken humor that long.

Way to go, Jennifer!!!

Twitter @john316marshall