Thursday, March 1, 2012

Missions Can Be a Zoo

Last Sunday night we gave $65,000, including over $2000 in change and currency from our children, to help Baptist Global Response minister to people's physical needs around the world.  If we were to gather all the animals we are providing, we would have our own zoo.  For you who like lists, here's the rundown on what we bought.

28 $1000 water systems for developing countries; 139 $25 water filters for a family; 88 $35 sewing machines; 29 $100 AIDS in-home care kits; 284 $5 mosquito nets; 79 $20 blankets; 124 $15 chickens; 81 $25 pairs of rabbits; 111 $50 goats; 41 $250 cows; 60 $50 stocked fish ponds.

Thank you, Second Baptist. Ruth and I radically love you.

Twitter and FB john316marshall