Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ruth Versus Squirrels

Caesar had his Brutus, Hans Solo had his Darth Vader, Ruth has her squirrels. As 2013 dawns, an epic struggle is developing between the Queen of my house, and the pests in my yard. For some reason, squirrels have taken a hankering to our property. They are in our trees, on our back fence, and all over our roof. Every time one lands on our roof, Ruth yells, "Go away!" Since that has not worked she is moving on to more drastic methods.

Ruth, of course, labors with a huge handicap in this struggle. She can't hurt a flea, thus her options are limited. Her next effort will be to try to aggravate them away. She went out and bought a nerf ball gun. She doesn't want to hit them, she just wants to get the nerf balls close enough to the squirrels that they feel aggravated and unwelcome. She practiced on an indoor target at the house. Her first shot hit it dead center. Amazing. After that, though, she didn't get anywhere near the target. I'm not optimistic. I'll keep you updated.

Twitter & FB john316marshall