Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Long Good Day

Ruth and I spent about nine hours at the outpatient center today. I
experienced several surprises.

I was not expecting a six-hour wait for the procedure. A patient
before me had an unexpected complication, and required extensive
emergency surgery. He was eventually taken to the hospital by ambulance.

I was not expecting to have extensive blood work, or to have an I-V
inserted. I was surprised to have an EKG. I was not expecting to have
a drain inserted which will be removed on Friday

I was taken aback by the overwhelming kindness of every person we came
into contact with. Their gentleness and friendliness made a long day
much more pleasant.

My prognosis is excellent. Thank you, Dr North, Dr Henderson, and the
army of servants who ministered to me. Thank you, Ruthie, for staying
at my side all day. Thank you, dear people, for praying for me,

Twitter @john316marshall