Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where to take sweet babe

Yesterday I told Ruth I would take her to the place of her choice for
our 40th wedding anniversary in 2011. She cried for joy. Yes, I am the
husband of the year--no, the decade.

I decided to poll my cyberspace friends for suggested places to go.
I've had about 60 responses. Hawaii wins the vote (interesting--I
think that's Ruth's choice anyway).

Hawaii is no surprise, but the other leading choices were unexpected.
Italy was the choice of several. New Zealand was a popular selection.

Humor accompanied the poll. One said wherever they film 24. Another
noted none of the choices mentioned McDonalds. Someone said we should
go to their city, Dayton OH. My Pastor friend in Joplin, John Swadley,
voted for Joplin.

And the winner is....wherever Ruth wants to go, as long as we go there

Twitter @john316marshall