Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Still Sick?

Yes, I am still sick, essentially homebound and bedfast. I have an
appointment with a proctologist Monday morning.

I plan to take my daughter out to lunch for her birthday tomorrow, and
intend to be in church Sunday morning. Till Monday I am otherwise
staying home with Sweet Babe.

I don't question God's Sovereignty. This is giving me opportunity to
live by example what I preached about last Sunday morning. The why is
not as important as the what. Is there a lesson I am to learn, a
higher plane of patience to reach?

These mind games present an extra level of challenge to me because I
do not handle sickness well. Poor Ruthie. Mother Teresa has nothing on
Ruth. My wife is Mother Saint Angel Babe Ruth.

Thanks for your prayers. I have finished editing four upcoming
sermons. That's good. At least I don't feel totally useless.

My daughter Rebekah Williams will be on the KY-3 weekend early show at
7am in the morning. She is the craftiest, scrappiest person I know.
She's also a great daughter.

Twitter @john316marshall