Saturday, March 13, 2010

Time Change

We now have about 8 months a year of Daylight Saving Time. Most people
like the later daylight hours after work. I do too, but I also wish we
made the change on Friday, not Saturday, night. It's tough on churches.

Facebook is abuzz with info about the time change tonight. Pastors are
rightly worried about church tomorrow. At least two have confessed
their fear that they themselves might be late.

Some people are admitting they had forgotten. Others are grieving,
especially those who attend early worship. Every Sunday morning at
7:11am several of us gather at the pulpit to walk through worship
service details. We will be a sleepy bunch tomorrow.

One parishoner said he had asked what the Pastor's sermon was going to
be before deciding whether or not to move his clock forward. One
person said, if your church has an early service, move your clock
forward, or your Pastor will be very lonely.

I've already moved my clocks forward. Maybe I'll be able to trick my
mind and body in the morning.

Twitter @john316marshall