Saturday, March 20, 2010

39th Anniversary

Ruth and I celebrated 39 years of nuptual bliss today. The day started
inauspiciously. I woke up deaf due to ear wax.

I used Murine ear drops. Used kleenex in both ears to keep the drops
in. Ruth howled when she saw me. She secretly took a picture of me. I
forbade her to post it on Facebook.

Ate lunch at Maria's downtown. Ruth said, "It's extra loud in here
today," I said, "Really?" We looked at each other and laughed out loud.

Tried hydrogen peroxide in my ears this afternoon. Once again I had
the "toilet paper growing out both sides of my head" look. Ruth has
been having trouble taking me seriously today.

Ate supper at Ocean Zen. Sat side by side so we could communicate.
Ruth asked if I liked the background music. I said, "What music?" We
looked at each other and again laughed out loud.

Pray my hearing is restored by morning. It would be good for me to
know what I'm saying while I preach.

Twitter @john316marshall