Sunday, March 7, 2010


Devout Christians have long known the Bible has to be our number one
reading material. Often reading biographies comes in as number two.

The lives of others have been of inestimable wealth to me through the
years. Ravi Zacharias' autobiography "Walking From East to West" has
reminded me again how powerful people's stories can be.

How do you know a book has deeply affected you? In this case I grieved
when there were no more pages to read. I had laughed and cried often
in following Ravi's story.

As I finished the bio, I sat in stillness, my mind wondering. Have I
done all I could for God? Has my life mattered? What can I yet do in
the time remaining to me? Is my life worth writing and reading about?

What makes a great biography? It's one that reminds us holiness
matters most, and compels us to seek a higher level of holiness.

Twitter @john316marshall