Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Outpatient Surgery

Yesterday I had outpatient surgery, following up on a procedure that
was done twelve weeks ago. Everything went well. Prognosis is
excellent. "Thank You, Lord Jesus".

Anesthesia is wonderful, but made for a long night. I had stomach
pains till about 1am. Not real bad, but aggravating enough to keep ne

Had a headache, something I almost never experience. Again, not
terribly painful, but hurting enough to not let me fall asleep till
after 1am. For a guy who goes to bed at 9pm, 1am is late!!

I will try to rest as much as possible today. I was able to redeem
much of the waiting time yesterday afternoon and evening by editing
two upcoming sermons.

By the way, Ruth is the world's greatest nurse. I love her, and am
grateful for her.

Twitter @john316marshall