Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Still Love to Read

I can remember how I learned to read. My parents bought Superman comics for me and I devoured them. Interestingly, Superman is still by far my number one Superhero.

I don't recall enjoying to read that much during my school days. It was when I was free to read whatever I wanted that the craving took hold. I could easily read 8 hours a day every day. My eyes give out before my interest does.

I read leadership books, and books about church health. Biographies also fascinate me. My favorite genre, though, is history, especially Civil War history. My reading teaches me many good lessons for life. I learn from the mistakes and successes of the people I read about. An old adage spurs me on. A wise man learns from his own mistakes; an even wiser man learns from the mistakes of others.

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