Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 1

On Palm Sunday the donkey's owner, who evidently knew Jesus, obeyed the Lord's request. The master of the donkey felt, whatever Jesus wanted, He could have.

Learn a lesson from a donkey owner. Jesus' claims on us are paramount. He may want the young, like Jeremiah, to give the rest of their lives to fulltime ministry. They have much to offer. If I live threescore and ten years, I have a piddling five years left to yield to Jesus. It seems but a morsel to give Him. A teen, though, could have six decades to give Him.

Jesus might want from an older adult a surrender, like Moses', to fulltime ministry. He may want our children on the mission field. The #1 problem faced by appointees of the International Mission Board of our denomination is the families of the called.

We at Second try to deal very specifically with the seriousness of this possibility when parents dedicate their babies. It is a serious oath.