Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7

The Palm Sunday crowd kept asking, "Who is this" (MT 21:10? You can almost hear the buzz flying across the crowd. They weren't the last to ask the question. Everything hinges on Jesus. He always has to be reckoned with, and if He is not God, He is very hard to classify.


"Who is this?" The question must be asked now in humility and love, or later in terror. "Who is this?" Some ask out of curiosity. They are truly seeking.


"Who is this?" Some ask out of contempt. I'm sure many in the crowd snarled at Jesus being a carpenter. "Next thing you know, fishermen will be sitting on thrones." Frustrating. But don't count angry people out. The Gospel has power. The cynic says, "No it doesn't." I say it has enough power to get your dander up.


A person angry with the Gospel is often easier to win than a complacent person. "We cannot do anything with logs" (Spurgeon). People with no energy are listless. Give me a spirited argument before you give me a boring nap.