Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2

On Palm Sunday, no one in the crowd seemed able to do enough for Jesus. Everyone, rich or poor, was able to give something: donkeys, robes, palm branches (JN 12:13). Someday, before the Lamb in Heaven, we'll stand robed in white and waving palm branches (RV 7:9).


It is somewhat surprising that Jesus let this animated demonstration happen. This very public person on a donkey, surrounded by a doting crowd, is unlike the man who disappeared into the hills when another crowd wanted to make Him king.


Jesus, on prior occasions, told people not to say He was the Messiah, for fear of His role being misunderstood, and causing rebellion among the people. But in His Triumphal Entry, Jesus did not try to squelch talk about His being the Messiah.


He no longer felt a need to forbid public acclaim. The whole truth will soon be revealed. The ultimate crisis is looming. Publicity will make no difference now. Unchecked by Jesus, the mob's hysteria was electric. People were euphoric. No Roman conqueror had ever received this kind of welcome into Jerusalem. The crowd was making a statement, "Jesus is our rightful King", but sadly, they did not understand what they knew. They wanted war; He wanted peace.