Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14

Children were at the temple, and cheered Jesus when He cleansed it (MT 21:15). Bring your little ones to church. We still, centuries later, need to hear their gleeful, high-pitched voices in church.


Parents and grandparents, do all it takes to bring your children and grandchildren to church. If need be, change Sunday School classes, change worship service times or venues, and yes, change churches if it might help.


As an adult who is a believer, you're going to Heaven when you die whether you want to or not. Make sure your beloved descendants will join you there.

Bring Jesus the littlest ones. Teach them to pray, sing, praise, and often say, "Thank You, God; I love You, Jesus." May they never remember not believing.


My Grandma Hill served Jesus till her death at age 95. She said she had loved Jesus and served Him as far back as she could remember. She said she could not recall a time when she first believed.


I'm grateful for parents who led me to believe in a virgin birth before I knew what a virgin was. I relate to the quaint story of the parent who put Santa Claus in a nativity scene and asked the child who it was. He said, "Round John Virgin."