Thursday, December 2, 2010

Money sermons. Ouch.

I have decided to return to my custom of preaching money sermons to start the new year.  Few subjects are more distasteful to a large percentage or our listeners.  At the same time, few topics are more important for them.  Many who dislike money sermons the most are the very ones whose lives are being torn apart by their own poor money management. For anyone with money troubles to be against sermons on the subject is like a person who is in danger of drowning refusing to put a life jacket on. It doesn't make sense.

In my younger years, I admit I preached on money to make sure we had a steady stream of money in the church offering plate.  I still hope to see good income in our offerings, but as I've age, I've seen the devastation bad management brings into lives and families. It makes people miserable.  Therefore I feel compelled to speak on the subject.  To avoid it would be dereliction of duty.  Pray for me as I prepare these lessons.

Humor helps. A lady, told her garage door opener needed a larger motor, said it was 1/2 horsepower.  The repairman said she needed 1/4 horsepower.  When she said 1/2 is bigger than 1/4, he replied, "No it's not.  4 is bigger than 2."  A lady asked the city to remove the "Deer Crossing" sign from her street.  She said too many deer were being hit by cars there, and she didn't think it was a good place for them to be crossing anymore.

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