Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Reading the Bible

I have long admired the missionary work of Canadian Jonathan Goforth in China. He was a giant of the faith. Recently I read in Wesley Duewel's book "Mighty Prevailing Prayer" about Goforth's private devotional life. I was brought almost to tears.

Every morning he would begin the day with Bible study, pencil and notebook in hand. He read the entire Bible in Chinese 35 times. He read the Chinese New Testament 60 times. By his death, he had read the entire Bible consecutively 73 times. He said, "I am ever wishing I could spend several hundred years at the Bible."

What a blessing. I know there is no magic charm in reading the whole Bible each year. I also know a person can read too fast and not let the words sink deep within. Yet at the same time, I also know that anyone who reads the Bible with a prayerful spirit will be immeasurably blessed by the discipline.

By the way, don't you agree with me that Goforth is the greatest missionary name in history. We are to go forth.