Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Duck Quack Theology

One of my favorite trivia questions just bit the dust. What is the
unique feature of a duck's quack? It won't echo. Wrong!!! I am

My confidence began to stumble when my son-in-law challenged my thesis
by boldly saying he knew geese honking echoed because he could hear it
off the side of his brick house.

I immediately rose to the challenge. Google was my weapon of choice.
I typed in "Do duck quacks echo?" The answer: "Yes." The non-echoing
duck quack theory is a myth.

Nathan was gracious in victory, but I don't handle defeat well. I'm
shaken. I wonder how many other facts I may be wrong about. I'm
reminded. Even theologians need to be humble about their theological
beliefs. Quack.

Twitter @john316marshall